These Stats Prove That the Future of Work Is Remote

Divya Sitlani
Divya Sitlani is the Client Relationship Manager at The Address. If you ever happen to visit The Address' Ahmedabad offices, do not miss to stop by and say Hi to her.

The spring of 2020 kick-started a new era – an era of remote working!

Though telecommuting isn’t new, the pandemic forced all businesses, big and small, in the direction of remote working. This new way of working has changed the structure of work, leaving businesses around the world puzzled about the future of work.

Is remote working here to stay or a mere passing trend? Is this the end of traditional offices? How will the remote work environment impact productivity? How do employees feel about this situation?

These and many other questions remain unaddressed. Check out this bunch of remote work statistics that will help you get a perspective of the future of work.

Remote Work Is More Than Just a Trend

Remote working is no more only for the gig economy. Neither is it a mere passing trend.

The pandemic just acted as a catalyst! There’s more to why businesses were quick to adopt the remote way of working. The advent of technology, the flexibility it offers, and the boost in productivity have made remote working a popular choice among businesses today.

BlueFace, a communications service provider, predicts that by 2025 remote working will compete with traditional offices.

A survey conducted by And Co, a freelancer tool company from Fiverr, reveals that the new generation of businesses are jumping on the ‘flexible work’ bandwagon. In fact, 55 percent of the survey respondents were already in the fully remote mode and 43 percent were partially remote.

Flexible working seems like the new normal!

Remote working benefits employees and employers alike! Let’s understand why remote working is increasingly gaining popularity.

Why Do Employers Encourage Remote Working?

1. It’s Good for Business

Allowing employees to work remotely, improves flexibility and boosts their morale, encouraging them to give their best. 85 percent of businesses surveyed confirm that the flexibility offered by remote working led to improved productivity. In fact, 63 percent of them reported at least a 21 percent increase in productivity, which is huge!

Another survey revealed that remote workers worked 1.4 more days every month, or 16.8 more days every year, than those who worked in an office.

Further, whether the employee works from a home office or a coworking space, it hugely reduces the business’s operating costs. 77 percent of companies surveyed by Staples shared that allowing employees to work remotely may lead to lower operating costs.

2. Ensures Job Satisfaction

A study by Amerisleep revealed that 75 percent of employees plan on working remotely for the rest of their career, the primary reason being the immense sense of job satisfaction it gives them. 80.5 percent of the survey remote respondents cited job satisfaction and reduced job stress as a critical component of their work life.

3. Remote Employees Are Healthy

Indeed’s Remote Work Survey pointed out that remote employees are less stressed and highly motivated. This greatly impacts their emotional and mental wellbeing. In fact, they take fewer sick days and absences from work.

4. Attracts and Retains the Top Talent in the Industry

Flexible working is one of the most important factors that attracts talent. It also allows firms to have global access to talent at affordable rates.

According to a survey conducted by the International Workplace Group, 80 percent of candidates in the U.S. turn down a job that didn’t have a flexible working option.

Also, offering the remote working option allows businesses to retain employees. In a Crain’s Future of Work survey, 78 percent of the respondents cited flexible schedules and telecommuting as the most effective nonmonetary way to retain employees.

What’s more? Companies supporting the remote way of working experience a 25 percent lower employee turnover.

5. Is an Environment-Friendly Option

Businesses are increasingly conscious of their carbon footprint and see remote working as a way to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and global warming.

Remote working positively impacts the environment. Therefore, businesses committed to environmentally responsible practices are moving to ‘green’ jobs.

Why Do Employees Prefer Working Remotely?

1. Improved Freedom and Flexibility

Employees cherish flexibility at work as it allows them to live and work on their terms. In fact, in a survey, 62 percent of respondents cited freedom and flexibility as the top reasons for preferring remote working.

What’s more? They love the remote way of working so much that they intend to continue as long as they can.

2. Enhanced Health and Quality of Life

According to a recent Gallup Research, having work-life balance is extremely important to 53 percent of employees surveyed.

Job flexibility helps remote employees stay engaged and enthusiastic at work. They feel happy and positive about their work and workplace. All this contributes to better physical health and overall quality of life.

3. Improved Financial Health

Remote working saves money not only for employers but also for employees. Working for home cuts expenses like commuting costs. A survey by Airtasker revealed that compared to office goers remote workers save an annual average of $4,523 on fuel alone.

It also allowed them more free time!

Perceived Challenges with the Remote Way of Working

Though working from home is growing in popularity, it comes with its own set of challenges.

A survey revealed that a third of the remote workforce cites working from home as their top productivity blocker.

Further, a lack of human connection seems to be one downside of working remotely from home. 30 percent of the respondents said that the lack of community threatens their remote happiness.

No wonder, businesses are opting for coworking spaces that offer all the positive aspects of office working while eliminating the in-office tension.

Summing Up

The data shared above is enough to convince business leaders that remote work is here to stay. The business world has tasted the sweet benefits of going remote and are likely to stick with this trend.

We hope this list of interesting statistics has convinced you of the immense popularity of the remote working.

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